Lip Lines & Thinning Lips
Thinning Lips
Your lips begin to thin for the same reason your skin begins to sag with time: a natural decline in collagen. Young lips are full because young skin contains plenty of collagen and naturally-occurring hyaluronic acid, which keeps your lips moist and plump from the inside out. Lip size and shape are genetically determined, but all of us tend to get thinner lips over time. If your lips are naturally smaller, you may start to notice thinning in your late 20s and 30s. This is when collagen and hyaluronic acid production start to slow down.
Neurotoxins - Botox
Botox can be used to lengthen the upper lip and drop it down slightly. This drop can evert the lip and make it look larger. Botox can also reduce the appearance of the gums when smiling. The success of this procedure depends on the original length of the lip and prominence of the gums, and is only ideal for certain patients.
Lips can be beautifully filled without creating the dreaded “duck lips!” Placement of just the right amount of the right filler into the lips creates a gorgeous refreshed younger you. Even if you never smoked, many people develop “smoker’s lines around the mouth. We are experts at the meticulous work needed to get rid of them.