
Facial fillers can be used to treat many areas and problems including:


Nasolabial Folds

The folds on the face from the nostrils down to the corners of the mouth.


Nasolabial Folds


Doll Lines / Marionette Lines

The folds on the face from the corners of the mouth to the chin.


Downturned Mouth



Fillers can be placed on the front areas of the cheeks and along the cheekbones. This can help create volume in the areas as well as lift up the lower areas of the face/jowls at the same time!


Flat Cheeks


Lip Lines & Fine Lines

Lips can be beautifully filled without creating the dreaded “duck lips!” Placement of just the right amount of the right filler into the lips creates a gorgeous refreshed younger you. Even if you never smoked, many people develop “smoker’s lines around the mouth. We are experts at the meticulous work needed to get rid of them.


Thinning Lips
Lip Lines


Temporal Hollowing

As we age the temple region hollows out. Typically 1-2 syringes of filler is needed to treat this region.


Temporal Hollowing


Nose Shaping

Just a small amount of filler can be placed in order to help straighten out a curve or a bump or most asymmetries.


Nose Shaping


Tear Troughs & Dark Circles

Just under the eye many patients develop dark circles and hollowing. We use a thin gentle filler in the tear trough area to help decrease the shadows and dark circles under the eyes.


Under Eye Dark Circles



Facial Lines

Learn more about them



Preparation for your Filler Treatment

If you are taking the following medications you should know it can increase your likelihood of bruising. Therefore we advise you to stop taking any of these medications about 4-7 days prior to any injections unless not advised to do so by your physician.

  • Motrin, Advil, Ibuprofen, Naprosyn (or same class of anti-inflammatory medications)

  • Aspirin

  • Fish oils

  • Vitamin E

  • Glucosamine

  • Gingko Biloba

  • Coumadin or Lovenox will increase your chance of bruising and lengthen healing time. However, DO NOT stop this medication and seek your primary doctor’s approval.

It is recommended to take Arnica Montana (as directed) before and after treatment to help minimize swelling and bruising.

Additionally if you are prone to “cold sores” around your mouth area and if you plan on any treatment in that area, it is advised that you take an antiviral such as Valtrex prior to and after treatment. We would be glad to prescribe this for you prior to your procedure.


There is no “downtime” associated with Juvéderm injections and you should notice immediate improvement to your appearance. However, these following steps will help to optimize the overall result from your treatment program:

  • Do not take Aspirin or Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs (Motrin, Advil, etc) for at least five days before and following your procedure. However, Tylenol/acetaminophen are approved for pain relief.

  • Do not rub or massage the area for the first 24 hours.

  • You may apply ice to the area as needed.

  • If you have swelling and redness, this is normal, and it will subside significantly in 24 hours.

  • Do not exercise in the following 24 hours.

  • No facials for two weeks

  • Avoid massages of the treated area or having your face in a massage cradle for 2 weeks after your procedure.

  • Avoid alcoholic beverages for 48 hours before and after your treatment.

  • Do not drink with a straw right after the session if your lips have been treated.

  • You may apply some arnica gel on the area treated as well as take arnica orally if you want to decrease the likelihood of bruising and speed up the recovery.You may apply makeup 4 hours after the treatment. You may notice bumps or marks at the injection site for up to a few hours following the procedure.


Before & After

Nasolabial Folds, Doll Lines & Lips




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CPW Vein & Aesthetic Center

Before & After
